Wednesday, August 26, 2015

VVVVVV - A Review

VVVVVV is a non-traditional puzzle platformer with an amazing chiptune soundtrack.  This game focuses on level design more than storytelling, so for those who are looking for a challenging platformer with interesting mechanics, I would recommend checking this game out.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Bioshock - The Mathematics of Collecting ADAM

Bioshock.  One of the greatest games I have ever played.  In honor of its 8th anniversary, I have decided to write an article outside of our normal post date.  We will dive into the numbers of ADAM, everyone's favorite resource of the game.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Volgar the Viking

Everyone knows that vikings are the coolest. Ninjas are a cowardly lot who would never win a fair fight, and pirates are a bunch of scurvy ridden sailors who mutiny at the drop of a hat. Unfortunately the last time I dusted off the old ridiculously huge axe to rape and pillage a local village I received 5-10 years at my local penitentiary. So I must turn to video games to perpetuate my nonexistent viking heritage with Volgarr the Viking.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

MOBA Games: Which One is Right for You?

MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) games are currently one of the most popular genres of online multiplayer games out there. The MOBA genre, however, is rather famous for its high barrier of entry - MOBAs are not for everyone. Even my own co-author and good friend Jack does not see the value in them at all. That said, with a wealth of options out there for anyone looking to give them a try, I believe there is a MOBA for almost anyone. That does pose the question, though: which MOBA is right for you?

What is a MOBA game?

First it is important to understand just what is common to all MOBA games. A MOBA game is a 5v5 team game where each team, with one character controlled by each player, attempts to destroy the other team’s base to win. Defending each team’s base is a series of structures known as towers or turrets which thwart attempts to simply run up and destroy the base by individual players, and helping each team are spawning waves of minions/creeps that continuously push forward to try and help kill the enemy base. Players can make their character more powerful by killing these small minions/creeps, neutral monsters, or other players to gain experience and level up, as well as gain gold which can be spent on items that help the players achieve victory.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Transistor - A Review

Transistor.  An action RPG story-driven video game with isometric POV.  It is a wonderful game to play with an emotionally gripping story, and strong gameplay elements which allows for a very enjoyable experience while going through the story.  I would recommend this game for those who are looking for a short, but powerful, story experience integrated with twitch reflexes and slow, deliberate gameplay.